Jun 28, 2024, Posted by: Lila Mwangi

Phil Foden Rejoins England Training in Germany After Birth of Third Child

Phil Foden's Swift Return to Training After Family Milestone

Phil Foden has always been a figure of fascination both on and off the football field. Recently, the 24-year-old Manchester City midfielder drew significant attention when he temporarily left the England squad to attend the birth of his third child. Foden's dedication to family and football is remarkable as he made a swift return to join his teammates in Germany. This event happened after England managed to secure the top spot in Group C, which meant they would be facing Slovakia in the round of 16.

Playing a Crucial Role in England's Campaign

Foden's significance in Gareth Southgate’s squad cannot be overstated. He had participated in all three matches of the group stages, showing impressive form and his usual high energy on the field. The young star's presence was crucial in helping England top their group against tough competitors. His last game before he left was an intense 0-0 draw against Germany in Cologne, where he played a significant 89 minutes.

The need to leave the team wasn't something Foden took lightly. A 'pressing family matter,' later revealed to be the birth of his child, led him to fly back to the UK immediately after the match in Germany. Despite the short absence, which any player would find challenging in a tournament setting, his decision was undoubtedly the right one, considering the circumstances.

A Joyous Moment Shared with Fans

Upon the successful birth of his child, Foden wasted no time in getting back to Germany. He made an overnight return and was spotted participating in the next training session on Friday. England's official social media account shared a heartfelt video congratulating him, capturing him in a warm moment with fellow player Rod Bowen at Blankenhaincamp. The emotional support from fans and teammates alike was evident and much appreciated by Foden.

In the shared video, fans got a glimpse of Foden’s softer side, as he smiled and interacted with his teammates. The moment served to bring the team and their supporters closer together, showing a human side of the players who often seem larger than life.

Team Chemistry and Morale

Phil Foden’s rapid return to the training ground not only showcased his commitment but also highlighted the strong team chemistry within the England squad. Southgate and his coaching staff had been focused on maintaining morale, and Foden's presence was a significant boost. It’s common knowledge that off-field events can sometimes impact on-field performances, but England appeared unfazed by these occurrences. Foden’s brief absence and quick return seemed to have injected a renewed sense of determination and cohesion into the team.

The timing of Foden’s absence worked out as best as it could, given the circumstances. England's upcoming round-of-16 match against Slovakia was set to be a challenging encounter, and having key players like Foden back in the fold was essential for their preparation. His ability to balance family and professional obligations so seamlessly drew admiration from both colleagues and fans alike.

The Importance of Family Support

Behind every professional athlete is usually a strong support system, and Phil Foden is no exception. His ability to immediately return to his squad after such a significant family event highlights the well-oiled machine that his family support provides. It also underscores the human aspect of professional sports, reminding fans that players balance personal lives along with the pressures of representing their country on an international stage.

As Foden returned to his footballing duties, his teammates, and coaching staff extended their heartfelt congratulations, emphasizing the camaraderie and unity within the team. This sense of understanding and collective spirit can sometimes be a driving force behind a team's success in high-stakes tournaments.

Fans’ Reactions and Expectations

England fans have always had a strong connection with their players, and moments like these help to deepen that bond. Social media platforms were flooded with congratulatory messages and well wishes for Foden. Fans expressed their happiness not only for his latest family milestone but also in seeing him back with the team so promptly. This collective joy was a testament to Foden’s popularity and the emotional investment fans have in their national team players.

Looking forward, the anticipation for the knockout stages of the tournament has surged. Supporters are hopeful that Foden's personal joy and the positive morale within the squad will translate into stellar performances on the pitch. The story of a player who rushes back to the team after such a significant personal event adds a narrative of resilience and commitment that fans cherish and draw inspiration from.


Phil Foden’s recent experiences stand as a testament to his character and his role within the England squad. Balancing personal milestones and professional commitments with such grace is nothing short of commendable. As England prepares for their crucial match against Slovakia, having Foden back in training is a substantial boost. His quick return underscores both his personal dedication and the strong support system around him, serving as an inspiring chapter in his ongoing career.


Lila Mwangi

Lila Mwangi

I am a journalist with a keen interest in covering the intricate details of daily events across Africa. My work focuses on delivering accurate and insightful news reports. Each day, I strive to bring light to the stories that shape our continent's narrative. My passion for digging deeper into issues helps in crafting stories that not only inform but also provoke thought.

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